Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Make personalised Wall Paper with our printed wall paper using your own images, text, design, graphics or photo collage. Turn a blank wall into a feature wall.

Use SIGNARAMA CBD’s personalised wallpaper and have it custom printed and sized for your project.

Taking photos or artwork up-scale onto the entire surface of a wall with custom personalised wall paper, will lift your living space or interior to a new level. Create your own wall paper with a feature wall, can be an amazingly creative thing to do in your living, work or public space giving high impact with any image or artwork you like or even a montage wallpaper.

Many of our customers say their friends and neighbours are shocked to find out that the designs on their walls are not painted. The advantages of wall decals over more traditional methods such as painting are numerous. Wall decals can be applied to virtually any surface; wood, metal, plastic, glass, and painted surfaces are no problem for our self-adhesive vinyl!Decals are easy to apply and there is nothing to clean up afterwards. You don’t need to worry about messy paint spills, drop cloths, or cleaning brushes when you’re done. No skill is required: just peel and stick your new wall decal anywhere and it will last for years without scratching, peeling, or fading and wall decals aren’t just for your walls! Apply them to windows, doors, floors, ceilings, and even furniture. The possibilities are only limited to your creativity.

We can help you create and personalise  your living rooms, bedrooms and public spaces across the land. It is ideal for busy passageways and high traffic corridors too like hotels and universities because it won’t tear or scuff. The customised wallpaper is ideal for kids bedrooms and feature wall dining rooms.

What are you waiting for – let the Picasso in you come out and we will help you create the feature wall that you have always wanted.

Call Signarama CBD now at 6557 0080 and our friendly sales guys will help you.

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for Wall Paper

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